‘Morning. You sip coffee while scrolling through social media posts. You see exotic places, far away people. And then suddenly, something looks familiar. Yes, it is an image of your neighbourhood; sunshine, tall trees, that interesting building at the corner of the street, the man that looks just like your neighbour walking his dog.
This picture makes you feel good. It makes you feel proud of the beautiful place you live in – Winnipeg. You like it and you want to share it with others.’
Elena El is a fine artist specializing in Winnipeg cityscape paintings. Her preferred medium is acrylic on canvas. She is a member of Assiniboia Group of Artists Cooperative.
Elena’s paintings have been featured on CBC National TV, CBC Manitoba Scene, Breakfast TV Winnipeg, Winnipeg Free Press, WHERE Winnipeg.
Elena studied classic drawing and painting at the college of Fine Arts (Odessa, Ukraine) and graduated from College of Design (Haifa, Israel). She has illustrated more than 15 children’s books and has worked as a graphic designer for advertising agencies and magazines.
In 2006 Elena made Winnipeg her home.
Cell: 204-797-0592